Glass Ceiling Effect Literature Review

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Introduction Nowadays work is a crucial element in someone’s life, according to Meda’s (2006) research, 40% defines work as a key element in their life, whether they are young adults, workers or retired people. This literature review will try to understand the place of women in regards to the glass ceiling effect in the service industry in France (Meda, 2006, pp. 624). First of all we need to explain what is the glass ceiling effect: Dr Alston define the glass ceiling effect to be “an invisible barrier that prevents someone from achieving further success. It is most often used in the context of someone's age, gender, or ethnicity keeping them from advancing to a certain point in a business or when he or she cannot or will not be promoted to a higher level of position/power” (Alston, n.d.) The glass ceiling effect is a general problem that woman are facing in the hospitality industry, a study done in the USA show that although women are present in the…show more content…
Work life balance As Susan M. Heathfield stated in her article: “Work-life balance is a concept that supports the efforts of employees to split their time and energy between work and the other important aspects of their lives. Work-life balance is a daily effort to make time for family, friends, community participation, spirituality, personal growth, self-care, and other personal activities, in addition to the demands of the workplace” (Heathfield, 2014) We explained earlier that in France, the equal chances of hiring are part of a law, well so as the work life balance. Every work life balance measure (such as parental leave arrangement, working hours reduction and flexibility, or even the childcare allowance) is part of the French legislation (Gregory, Milner, 2012, pp. 1). Women’s role in the

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