Management Information System Case Study

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Question 2 a For EJ plc to join competition advantage and improved decision making they have to rely on their management information. In effect EJ plc requires robust management information to transect a range of personal line and small commercial insurances in a number of countries. This means that the management information system of EJ plc will support the firm to have knowledge about its current customers and potential customers from various sources. Below are some uses of management information that can attract and retain customers. I. Management information leads to new products, services and business models. According to Kenneth C. Lauden and Jane P . Lauden management information helps to picks data from customers such as the use…show more content…
It will also help in believing its products to the customers through the use of internet, such as social media and call center management. Management information system will also enable EJ plc to develop business models that will be tailored toward attracting and retaining customer. In that, management information will enable EJ plc to know which processes, procedures, or department are relevant in meeting customers’ needs and which strategies can best attract customers with resource to the processes, procedures and…show more content…
Management of EJ plc would then uses these records in forecasting and finalizing other decisions .In effect, this will eliminate or mitigate the misallocation of resource, poor turnaround times and also miss assignment of duties. Technology is everything today customers want their needs addressed, as and when they want it with technology, EJ plc can be more effective its operations by responding to its customers in real time. Which means that customers get what they want when they want? Thus will enable EJ plc to retain its customers communication in real time in its self is a smart and efficient way EJ plc can obtains informational feedback from its customer who will further be useful in designing products and services. Management information will also helps EJ Plc to integrate its operational systems .an integrated system allows for improved communication among executives, mangers, departments heads and employees. This development of a manual or piece of software can be used by EJ plc for a very long time at a very low cost. In effect management information save work, reduce communication cost and can allow EJ plc to undertake more personal lines and small commercial insurances by giving standard quantities and rating
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