Social Inequality In Canada

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Understanding Social Inequality: Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in Canada Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Class Instructor’s Name Date Understanding Social Inequality: Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in Canada Introduction This paper will explore the link between social inequality, class, gender, and ethnicity in Canada. In addition, the study will emphasize their mutually natures to uncover previously unknown health inequalities. I will encompass the intersection principles that are applied to inequalities in class, gender, ethnicity, and health in a Canadian sample. We will seek to identify whether relationships between social inequalities are similar across race, class, and gender groups (Kay, 2015). A survey conducted…show more content…
In comprehending these factors of social and health inequalities, these notions have been considered individually with researchers in interconnecting between health and race or health and gender (Mitchell, 2014). The question of whether health is influenced by class differently for the minority Canadians or race influences health in women and men, has not yet been established or investigated (Keung, 2015). Such statistical analysis have created interest, for instance if ethnicity affects health in a different way for men and women in Canada. Significantly, gender, race, and class have been a subject of researchers on whether these factors intersect in influencing the self-esteem of individuals. In the context of health inequality, the intersection theory is an influential tradition that is inspired by antiracist and feminist traditions. The intersectionalty theory demands that social variations by class, gender, and race be comprehended. The theory provides an approach of considering social disparity that explicate and reveal unknown health dissimilarity. The theory argues on the basis that our identities; class, gender, sexuality, and race accompany us in our social interactions. Individuals experience these variables differently according to the place in the social inequalities. For instance, same ethnic groups will experience racial variations in another way upon the class structure in…show more content…
(2007). Ethnic Diversity Survey (EDS). Retrieved 3 April 2015, from • Weber, L., & Dilaway, H. (2002). Understanding Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality: Case Studies.. New York: McGraw-Hill. The rational for choosing these articles, journals, and the website is because they provided the research with the necessary information that encompassed previous studies in the intersectionality theory along the lines of class, gender, and race. Findings The results indicated that the Asians, South Asians, and Aboriginals were more likely to have incidents of infirmity than the Whites. In gender, women surveyed were more likely to be report poor health. However, upon other dissimilarity erratic, sex was not relevantly linked to poor wellbeing. Household income and educational achievement were imperatively connected to health. In sexuality as a variable, the survey found out that bisexual respondents, who identified themselves that way, were expected to be in good health than heterosexuals. In race and gender, Asian women were reported to be in good health than Whites while Asian men were more of a fair health than White men. The survey indicated that the increase in fair health of South Asian women and men compared to the Whites was a case representing the disadvantages these women experience. In summary, each of the four variables; gender, race, class, and health interacted or intersected with

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