Importance Of Hiring Process

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Hiring is never been an easy task. It is not just giving a task or a job to a stranger. It involves a plan and process. The process may differ from one organization to another. It differs according to many factors depending on the company need and objectives for hiring. It requires a plan and a step-by-step process. One has to differentiate between hiring to fill in a vacant position or to build a team that contributes to the growth of the company. Has to consider whether hiring for a person-task fit or a person-organization fit. To avoid lapses on the hiring process, plans are initiated. Proactive plans are favored than reactive ones.6 The aim of this report is to provide a clear understanding why a hiring plan is important to the success…show more content…
It does sound simple; however, there is more than just picking the best man for the job. Hiring is not just giving a job to someone with an agreed wage. Hiring as defined, is a contract by which one person grants to another either the enjoyment of a thing or the use of the labor and industry, either of himself or his servant, during a certain time, for a stipulated compensation, or where one contracts for the labor or services of another about a thing bailed to him for a specified…show more content…
However, many companies fall into making mistakes in hiring with time constraints or for a new project.6 These limitations are detrimental to the company. The candidate does not served the company at its best, however, maybe sufficient for a period of time.6 Sometimes, for new projects, candidates may have a little knowledge about the company or the new project. To ensure the success of an organization, the single most important thing a management can do is to hire the best people one can find to do the work.3 The best people does not necessarily means they have most impressive credentials or education. They may not be the one that you like or have something in common. These best people are those who work and deliver 100 percent job well done not because they want to impress their superior but because they care what they are doing.3 These type of people are the ones who can work with everyone, can work independently, come up with good ideas, and who will collaborate to bring an effective outcome. In most time, they are the one that can be relied and
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