Specialized Experience Analysis

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The importance of specialized experience / minimum qualifications on a job announcement are effective, and it helps to restrict unqualified candidates. The process of analyzing candidates for the Management Analyst (Aviation) position, in the federal sector requires specific criteria. The eligibility criteria for this position noted that candidate must be able to travel CONUS and OCONUS, must be U.S. Citizen and must be eligible for a Secret Clearance. There were a few candidates that did not meet the eligibility criteria, and or specialized experience. Analyzing the candidates eligibility for the position, and there is one strong candidate that met the minimal qualification criteria. Donovan Dipson meet the criteria qualifications,…show more content…
The fourth group requires KSA to perform the work of the position and Davidson meet the criteria. The results in the small changes in the wording of the specialized experience statement made a difference. It specifically targeted the required practice or specialized experience for each categories. An example of specialized experience one, required commercial air transportation industry whereas, specialized experience two specified air transportation industry. This supports the levels of experiences and filter to identify the best qualified candidate. I am not certain how my classmates would create the lists because there a few that are specialized in the human resources staffing field and I am not. They may have an advantage of creating the list accurately. I consider the specialist to have some control over the hiring system or how that system is implemented. They are contributing and, or participating with data input in the system. They can obtain specific training to operate and manipulate the system that can produce specific…show more content…
By law, veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty in the Armed Forces during certain specified time periods or in military campaigns are entitled to preference over others in hiring from competitive lists of eligible and also in retention during reductions in force. In addition to receiving preference in competitive appointments, veterans may be considered for special noncompetitive appointments for which only they are eligible.” (OPM.gov) OPM is looking for the best qualified candidate as well as, ensuing the guidelines, which requires the eligible criteria and minimum qualifications. Analyzing this assignment for the federal sector allowed me to focus on the candidates’ eligibility, specialized experience and notice to Veteran’s preferences. The process of restricting or filtering for the best qualified candidate can create some challenges for human resources. Some of the candidates have the specialized experiences but did not pass the eligibility criteria or

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