Importance Of Pastoral Counseling

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3. Imitating the example of Jesus  The nature of the ministry of Jesus Christ as indicated in various parts of the quotation from Isaiah 61 and the remarkable statement Jesus has uttered to the Pharisees in Mark 2:17 highlights an essential aspect regarding the task of pastoral counseling which in fact is that when the pastor is assuming his role in counseling he must strive to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, the good shepherd who possess an unchanging concern for the ones in need. Pastoral Counseling as a Religious Activity A pastoral counseling is a religious activity when the following aspects are considered religious: 1. Effects  The result of the counseling shows that the individual obtained the ability to associate other people…show more content…
Ultimate Focus of Concern  Increasing the competence of the individual’s relationship with God. The Uniqueness of Pastoral Counseling The uniqueness of the pastoral counselor is derived from: 1. Training  Generally, pastoral counselors (when compared to other counseling professionals) have less formal training in the counseling profession. However, his training in theology entitles him with a unique skill that comes in great use when dealing with individuals with problems concerning spiritual growth. 2. Social Role  Pastoral counselors are perceived as a symbolic representative of the beliefs and values of his religion. His clients consider him as religious authority figure or a leader of a religious community rather than as a regular counselor.  He is a transference figure. In his presence, a variety of early life associations and feelings would be stirred up in an individual. 3. Context  Another contribution to the uniqueness of pastoral counselors is the reality that his overall ministry is shepherding and nurturing and his framework or background is pastoral care. Furthermore, he is recognized for the uniqueness of the setting which is the life of an associated community of faith, a local…show more content…
Resources  The pastoral counselors are expected to incorporate religious resources such as scriptures and prayers as a part of his counseling. This type of resources as stated by Anton T. Boisen serves a valuable role in pastoral counseling. Particularly, when dealing with individuals that needs confrontational counseling, crisis counseling, supportive counseling, and existential counseling. 5. Essential Objective as Spiritual Growth  Pastoral counseling should enhance the virtue of one’s relationship with God as well as with other people. Furthermore, the fundamental aim of the pastoral counseling is to regard spiritual growth as the root of the counseling session.  Counselors must note that if the primary source of conflict and guilt is the person’s spiritual life, it is essential for the counselors to regards this as the main focus of attention in counseling. The Minister’s Limitations and Advantages as Counselor Ministers should know both his limitations and advantages in order to minimize failure as a pastoral counselor and maximize his effectiveness as a renewal agent of Christ. Limitations of the minister: 1.

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