Cause Of Overpopulation

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Project Title: Causes &effects of Overpopulation Submitted To: Ma’am Ambreena Mubashir Submitted By: Hafsa Sohail (019) (Semester # 3) Course: Population Geography Submission Date: November 28, 2016 Kinnaird College for Women University Lahore Acknowledgement: I have taken effort in this project however it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of Ma’am Ambreena Mubashir. I humbly dedicate this report to Ma’am Ambreena Mubashir without her guidance and direction it was nearly impossible to make this report. I would like to extend my sincere thanks…show more content…
In human biology, the whole numbers of residents take up an area (such as a country or the world) and frequently being changed by increases (births and migrations) and losses (deaths and migrations). WHAT IS OVER POPULATION? The term “Over Population” or “Population Explosion” is used to express the idea of more population for fewer resources. It can result from an increase in births, a decline in the mortality rate, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. POPULATION SITUATION IN PAKISTAN: Pakistan population is equivalent to 2.57% of the population. Pakistan ranks number 6th in the list of population. According to the economic survey of Pakistan the total population of Pakistan in recent years was estimated at 182.53 million people in 2013, 186.19 million people in 2014 and 189.87 million people in…show more content…
Low per Capital Income: The population growth reduces per capita income of the people because national income is divided by a big size of population. Per capital income of Pakistan is $ 1254 during 2010-11. 2. Unemployment, Under-employment and Disguised-unemployment: It is impossible to provide jobs to such highly growing population in Pakistan. It results in unemployment, under-employment and disguised-unemployment. Rate of unemployment in Pakistan is 5.6%. 3. Low Growth of Agriculture Sector: Very fast growth rate of population is a pressure on land. It caused to use of agricultural products at domestic level, increase in the landless workers and shortage of food. Growth rate of agriculture sector is 1.2%. 4. Low Saving and Low Investment: The rapidly increasing population increases the expenditure of government. It reduces the saving and investment. Low level of saving & investment means economic backwardness. Domestic savings are 9.5% of GDP and total investment is 13.4% of GDP during 2010-11. 5. High Rate of Inflation: There is more demand for goods due to more population. More demand results in more prices and inflation in the country. Rate of inflation is 14.1 % in

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