Impact On Youth And Social Media

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We are all too aware that social media has had a massive impact on the world, through our culture and businesses even are family life. But what about our youth? They make up a vast majority of the social media users. Our youth find themselves spending large amounts of times online interacting on social media. How has it impacted them? What are some of the real impacts, both positive and negative, that social media has had on our society namely our young people? How does it impact young people who are growing up in a time where media is not only about information aired on television and radio, but also on the sites they visit daily to connect with friend and communicate with family. Developing studies have found that youth spend a substantial…show more content…
Almost 95% percent of the sampled persons own cell phones, with the majority using them for social media and texting purposes. Thus, it can be concluded that a large portion of the youth today find that their social and emotional growth happens while online. According to Cornell University's Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to differentiate between the meaningful relationships, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media (Livingstone, 2008). During the time of adolescents, when their minds are still being shaped and their identities are still a mystery even to them, social media can become a major part in defining who they are and how they think. At this stage in their development young people are more prone to give into peer pressure as they engage with social media (Livingstone, 2008). They are bombarded with images of how they should look and act every time they log on. This provides and environment for bullying and hypersexual behavior (Livingston, 2008). There also lay problems with…show more content…
There are benefits for adolescents. Social media provides a medium for them to connect with the world. Today’s youth has the universe at the tips of their hands (Boyd, 2007). They are able to stay connected with friends and family on a much faster and basis. Making new friends around the world doesn’t even require them to leave their homes. Ideas and thoughts within their communities are shared and plans can be made no matter one’s location (Boyd, 2007). This also opens them up to the ability to networking with different people and cultures and develops social skills in any
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