Relationship In Relationship Marketing

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A Relationship is a mutual agreement between two parties that both of them establish with each other after gaining trust. In a relationship, Trust and Commitment are established through a series of interactions and communications when the company and the customer feel that they have a profitable exchange. Marketing can be seen as a way of organizing business functions and processes, collection of tools, methods and activities that are directed towards the customer. Combining both, Relationship Marketing is a philosophy of doing business that focuses on retaining current customers and improving relationships with them. The cost of acquiring a new customer in usually greater than the cost of maintaining as existing one. In Relationship marketing,…show more content…
At the same time, ‘managing, reviewing and enhancing’ these activities ensures that CLM plays the role of a watchdog as well as the facilitator or catalyst. CLM therefore plays multiple roles across the organizational structure, developing even minor procedures, simultaneously boosting major policy changes…show more content…
This is because the customers get their sense of value from more than price alone. Customers in an established relationship are also likely to be less responsive to price appeals offered by competitors. B. Customer Delight Long-term relationships with customers are built over time and are difficult to establish if their needs and expectations are not understood and well met. It is a fundamental precept of modern customer management that companies should understand customers, understand their capabilities and point-of-difference over competitors, then acquire and deploy resources to ensure their satisfaction and retention. This is why CRM is grounded on detailed customer knowledge. Customers that you are not positioned to serve may be better served by your competitors. Exceeding customer expectations means going beyond what would normally satisfy the customer and raising the bar of customers’ expectations. This does not necessarily mean being world-class or best-in-class; but it does mean being aware of what it usually takes to satisfy the customer and what it might take to delight or pleasantly surprise the customer. Customer delight occurs when the customer’s perception of their experience of doing business with you exceeds their expectation. In formulaic
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