Importance Of Job Enrichment

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Many are familiar with three commonly considered motivational actions: Job enlargement-addition of new tasks at the same level of skill and responsibility Job enrichment-addition of new tasks at higher levels of skill, responsibility, and accountability Job rotation-rotation of employees through jobs at the same level The purpose of these actions is to offset the monotony of routine tasks in bureaucratic or batch environments. Offsetting monotony is often thought to motivate employees. However, rather than monotony, employees most often mention work overload as a stressor. Job enlargement and enrichment both add tasks. Employees may view these actions as adding to their stress rather than reducing it. Thus, the purpose of these actions may…show more content…
Logjams, gridlock, production delays due to illness or vacations Proposed solution: Increase capacity and coverage Potential action: Job rotation Risks to balance: Qualitative overload, role ambiguity, potential violations of unity of command Boredom, mediocrity, skill leveling Proposed solution: Develop employee Potential action: Job enrichment Risks to balance: Fragmentation, qualitative overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, questionable acceptance in highly centralized organization, HR concerns about pay grade, risk management concerns about licensure and credentialing Low morale, low accountability Proposed solution: Increase autonomy Potential action(s): Job enrichment Risks to balance: Fragmentation, qualitative overload, role ambiguity, questionable acceptance in highly centralized organization, HR concerns about pay grade, risk management concerns about licensure and credentialing Proposed solution: Increase responsibility Potential action(s): Reorganize work processes so employees reap rewards of excellence or bear consequences of poor quality or services Risks to balance: Qualitative overload, role ambiguity, inadequate supervision for new employees or employees lacking confidence, HR concerns about pay grade, risk management concerns about licensure and…show more content…
Managers and directors need to integrate these roles and functions into the work of their departments. The step-by-step approach summarizes the key points in realigning work and integrating these new roles to meet departmental goals. Detect, monitor, and collect data related to indictors of change that have the potential to affect the sector, organization, or department. Enlist superiors, human resource staff, and employees on the potential for redesign. Secure additional data, decide the extent of the realignment, determine the objective measures of achievement, and initiate plans for redesign. Identify potential barriers to redesign, devise solutions and contingency plans, and obtain clearance for issues related to human resources. Get feedback from superiors, human resource staff, and employees. If positive, implement realignment. Note effect of redesign and notice contributors to success and celebrate both with public recognition The mnemonic, "DESIGN," assists managers and directors in following the step-by-step approach.

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