How Does Social Media Influence Social Behavior

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Mya Sheynicka Yanson ENG 27-NB The Influence of Social Media on the Behavioral Aspects of a Teenager Background and History of Social Media Social media has been a part of our lives since its debut in the 90’s and as people always wanted means of communication towards other individuals, it has become our new way of interacting with them. According to Bank 2014, Social media is more of a process which includes communication towards another individual wherein there is swapping, making and imparting of ideas among people in series of networks using different means.. The very first social media that was recognized was Six created in 1997 which allows people to make a profile and add friends within its community (Boyd et al., 2007).…show more content…
Furthermore, adolescents are susceptible to these behavioral changes that are highly influenced by SNS. By definition, social behavior is an essential part of social psychology that helps understand violent actions and some romantic involvements. Basically, it deals with personality, attitude, self-perception, communication and reduction of conflicts and misunderstandings within a person and the society. It comprises both positive and negative aspects of a behavior and it was found out that people are more vulnerable to the negative behaviors (Ijeoma and Burke…show more content…
It shows how Filipinos actively use social networking sites (SNS). Since part of the Filipino culture and custom is to maintain strong family ties, communication through SNS is a vital and essential tool to keep the family together by constantly updating with each other no matter how far a member is. A portion of the Filipino’s transition to the modern era is the use of the digital media in a systematically organize affairs and interact with one another. They can socialize through leaving comments on posts rather than be physically present. In fact, Filipinos use social media to connect with friends and to keep in touch with acquaintances. Through social media Filipinos make new friends but still be able to keep track on their own interests. A study revealed that in the year 2014, ages 15-24 years old are the mass users of the social media (Bristol et al, 2016). Based on these statistics, the Filipino youth marked highest among the most active users. Thus, they are more exposed to its advantages and disadvantages when in terms of behavioral
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