Social Media Effects

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Student’s Name Course Number Professor’s Name Date Social Media and its Effects The term “social media” is used to describe an interaction between individuals and groups in which they connect with each other, share ideas and exchange every kind of information with each other. Social media websites are now popular all over the world. The basic purpose of social media is to aid and promote communication. While sitting at home, we can talk to anybody in the world via chatting, voice chatting and even video calling. Social media websites have decreased the distances among the people. They have impacted the youth more significantly. Now, children are surrounded by different kinds of gadgets such as mobile phones, IPads and tablets, and are interactive…show more content…
Likewise, social media also has some good and some negative impacts on the society. Though social media is not for everyone but still it has become an obvious part of our lives. It has become so problematic to avoid it whether we like it or not. In many senses, it is adversely affecting the people and their relationships. It has become difficult to distinguish between meaningful relationships and casual relationships. Sometimes, people are so much busy their casual internet friends that their meaningful relationships get affected. Social media has changed the concept of friendship completely. Previously, the people whom we know personally, hang out with them and like their company were our friends. But now, the concept of friendship is not clear at all. We just add people randomly and start chatting with them. On social media websites, people have thousands of friends but in reality, they have no impact on our lives and some of them do not even meet us and do not know us personally. Though connecting with people on these websites is not harmful but this sense of connection is completely false in my point of…show more content…
Nowadays, people share everything on these websites. Their names, date of birth, who their family members are and even what they are feeling at some particular moment. Everyone in or friend list aware of what we are and we are going to do. There is no privacy of anyone about anything. Even children are so much addicted to the social media websites. They are holding mobiles in their hands all day, updating statuses about a lot of things, disclosing so many things about them and talking about many more things which is none of their business. Instead of focusing on their studies, they are wasting time on the internet with the social media
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