Impact Of Online Shopping

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Richa Devgun and Dr. Parul Agarwal in their study found that e-shopping is more convenient and time saving. 65% consumers agree that online shopping is easily accessible. Young consumers of age 18-30 years are more attracted towards discounts and special offers in online shopping. It is revealed that 47% consumers are concerned about disclosing personal information and mostly consumers shop from shops and 32% shop from online. It is shown by them that 52 % respondents are highly concerned about the security. There is a positive relation between income, young age and online shopping. Both the genders, male and female, use internet frequently in Rajasthan.…show more content…
According to study on mode of payment consumers generally pay through cash on delivery (80 %), 55 respondents out of 60 respondents, than followed by credit cards and debit cards. It was found that information and quality of products, time saving, convenience, security, timely delivery and mode of payment are important factors in the online shopping. It is suggested that for more usage of online shopping consumers should be educated, government role is important, e-marketers should think about consumer interests and banks should promote credit card and debit card facilities in online…show more content…
Enjoyment embodies the hedonic aspect. Enjoyment shows consumers perceptions about the potential entertainment in Internet shopping. Exogenous factors also influences consumer attitudes and online shopping behaviour. Exogenous factors are Explained by Burke,2002,Dabholkar and Bagozzi,2002, brown et al , 2002 ‘ consumer traits’. By Wolfinbarger and Gilly , 2001, Avery,1996 ‘situational factors’, by Grewal et al 2002, Elliot and Fowell , 2000, ‘product characteristics ’, by Shim et al,2001. Eastlick and Lotz, 1999, ‘ previous online shopping experiences ’ and by Yoon, 2002, Lee and Turban ,2001, ‘trust in online Shopping. These utilitarian aspects and hedonic aspects are interlinked to each other. These factors ultimately affect consumers attitude and intentions towards online shopping. Devis (2002) in his study examined that if more attractive online stores were developed this raises the issue of examining what factors drive consumers to shop online. This study shows that they make a framework based on previous research on consumer adoption of new self service technologies and internet shopping. The research suggests that consumers perception towards internet shopping depends on internet shopping
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