Smart Bed Proposal

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PRINCESS MARINA HOSPITAL PROPOSAL FOR AN ENTERPRISE MOBILE STRATEGY INTRODUCTION The world has really changed with times. It is now booming with technological advancement, one where the internet had already taken up the action. With the rise in technology it is now becoming easier to find viable solution to overcrowding of patients, lack of supplies, shortage of staff, low moral as well as inadequate infrastructure faced by smart hospital “Princess Marina”. Emerging mobile technologies such as smart beds, energy efficient devices, internet of things and many more to mention will help in coming up with an enterprise mobile strategy that will help in improving health care services at Princess Marina Hospital. OVERCROWDING OF PATIENTS This is…show more content…
They will provide information to health care professionals if there is any change occurring. This means that doctors and nurses will not attend hospitalised patients rather attend those who came for check-ups or any other health care service. The use of smart beds will also help in reducing mortality rate because doctors will always be alert if any change occurs, every patient will be attended regularly and health care professionals will not spend most of their time on hospitalised patients because information is provided. Smart beds will also help in improving safety and comfort throughout a potential length stay of o patient in…show more content…
Shortage of staff is a big problem in Princess Marina Hospital. Skills shortage may be caused new technological development. (Dennis, 2014) explained that shortage of staff in hospitals lead to high mortality rate and poor provision of health care services and can lead to children being treated on adult wards, too few staff caring for patient overnights. Patients waiting for their call bells to be answered will not be helped well in time hence lengthening waits for treatment. (Buerhaus, 2007) further explained that shortage of nursing staff is a result from combination of factors including rising demand, little growth in registered nurse work force that decreased the supply of working registered nurses and a stressful hospital work place environment. This leading to high mortality rate. He continued explaining that prolonged shortages also can reduce the quality of patient care, increase operating and labour cost as well as decrease in the efficiency and effectiveness of care

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