Online Shopping Proposal

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1.1 Introduction In this chapter, research background, overview of the topic, problem statement, significant of study and research questions will be discussed. Then it will be followed by the definition of terms and summary of hypothesis will be discussed as well. In the end of this chapter, a brief discussion of this chapter will be provided. 1.2 Research Background In recent years, business world has changed extremely with the development of internet that give new opportunity to business platform. Online shopping is a new phenomena that is growing rapidly in business and electronic commerce or e-commerce has grown extensively in current business world that give good impact in business industry. However, internet in Malaysia is still considered…show more content…
Effectively managing online stores that influence customer satisfaction not only for online retailer but also essential for multi-channel retailer due to the reciprocal effects across the channel (Venkatesan, Kumar & Ravishanker, 2007). According to Finn earlier study in 2008 (as cited in Ha & Stoel, 2012) stated those customers who have a bad online shopping experience appear to resist shop through the retailer’s other channels. Therefore, online retailer need to take serious on the customer online shopping satisfaction that plays an important role to sustain the growth of not only the online business but also the overall of their…show more content…
Some of the students don’t have transportation to go out shopping mall to get their needs. So, online shopping becomes the most convenient and best way for the students. Additionally, almost all product needs can be reach through online shopping and students choose shopping online also because they can’t stand that crowded and noisy environment. For shopping online, they just need to choose the website they want, pay online, and then shopping ended only a few minutes. To most students, shopping is not a hard job anymore, they can just stay at room, click the mouse, spend several minutes to get what they want without stepping out of the room and standing in line for checking the product to be post out (Qiao ,
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