How To Improve Weaknesses

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about my strength and suggestion provided by my friends to improve weaknesses. The positive feedbacks that I get is that I am friendly, trustworthy and willing to spend time to improve myself. Also, feedback get from my lecturer is that I am an active, positive and outgoing person. Although the feedback appears to be positive, I would continue to stay humble. However, the negative feedback I received from others is that I am lack of confidence. To be honest, I admit that I am lack of confidence when doing decisions and interacting with others. I always feel uncertain with my decision and I need comments from people around me. But, I will not give up to overcome my weaknesses. In order to improve myself, I will explore new things which are beyond…show more content…
For instance, we can volunteer to be leader to make decision for our group. We can also join activities that require team work which could give us an opportunity to practice our leadership skill to lead the team. Apart from that, we need to emulate a successful leader by learning their leadership skills, styles, spirit and motivation. For example, a successful leader, Robert Kuok. He is a greater leader in his company as he always takes care of the employees. He had organized his team well as he believes that working in a team would increase the successful rate in business. Therefore, emulating successful leader could made us learn to be a leader from their leadership skills. To become a leader, we need to improve our skills by completing a leadership course. Through taking the leadership course, it would allow us to gain more knowledge and practices on leading skills. We also need to learn developing our personal traits of patience and empathy. If a leader does not have patience and empathy, they will lack in social awareness. They will not care about the feeling of their subordinates as they are task-oriented where they focus more on task. Last but not least, we also need to find a mentor to give us a feedback. Through the feedback, we can know our weakness and also the solutions to improve it. Therefore, we need to go through those tips that I have stated in order to be a…show more content…
A leader must has the commitment, empathy, patience and positive attitude to lead the team and organization effectively. Most of the people will be attract to those who possess positive attitude as they will lead a happy working life, cooperate effectively with their subordinate or follower. In contrast, leader with a negative attitude and lack of relationship management would cause subordinate unwilling to work together with them and respect them. This is because subordinate will think that their employer doesn’t care about them, thus it lead to inequality and inefficient work by them. For personal development and growth, the most that I had learnt from these few activities is that we need to try new things and learn from mistake. Don’t to be afraid of falling and failing from mistake, the most important is at least we try and learn new thing from it. As no one is perfect, everyone will made mistake in their life. The main principle for a leader to learn from the mistake is don’t be afraid of the failure. Therefore, we shouldn’t afraid of trying new thing just because of failure. For example, if I didn’t try these learning activities by doing few personalities test and assessment, I couldn’t know about my own personalities and the level of emotional intelligence. Thus, we should try new thing instead of afraid in order to gain some unexpected result or things.

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