Assignment 1 Communication Role Play

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I had a one to one communication role play with my two class mates. We had five scenarios and we had to choose one of them to use on our role play. My role was to be a mother who takes her child to the doctors and is quite frustrated because she has not been seen by a doctor for at least three hours. During my one to one communication role play, I think that the strengths were that I spoke loud and had good eye contact which showed the audience what was going on and also what I was doing in the role play. I also think that I had good facial expression and I know this because during the role play, there were certain times when I was shouting at the doctor and I showed this to the audience by crossing my eyebrows and my voice became louder. My posture was good as I sat down with a straight back. The way I used touching in the role play was good and I know this because of the way I was touching the child and this showed the audience that I was trying to comfort and calm the child. I did use silence as a listening skill as I was listening to other people in the role play and waited for them to finish off what they were going to say…show more content…
One of the biggest weaknesses was that we were laughing at each other which showed that we were not prepared properly. Also, we did not have proximity which showed the audience that we were not that confident enough. We also started to rely on each other by telling each other to talk. We did not have any muscle tension. We did not encourage each other to talk back as we forgot our lines and did not know what to say and how to encourage each other to talk back. We did not reflect back on what others have said because and we know this because during the role play we did not ask any questions to each other. We did not turn back when we was speaking to each other and this showed the audience that we was nervous and did not really know what we was actually

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