Fishing Industry Case Study

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PRN -15020841163 a) Executive summary The industry selected by the group was the fisheries industry. The objectives of the study were to look at the fishery industry in India and the world and understand their sustainable fishing practices. The focus was to understand the problems faced by the fishing industry and look at the innovative steps taken by fishing companies to grow in a sustainable fashion. Summary of the fishing industry - According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the world production in 2005 consisted of 93.2 million tonnes captured by commercial fishing in wild fisheries, plus 48.1 million tonnes produced by fish farms. In addition, 1.3 million tons of aquatic plants (seaweed etc.) were captured in wild fisheries…show more content…
We have Taken Pescanova Fisheries as our company for this analysis. It is a listed fishing company in Spain with subsidiaries in Africa, Europe, USA and Asia. We have studied their practices and studied in detail the sustainable approach to fishing. b) Key areas of Research Global fish production has grown steadily in the last five decades, with food fish supply increasing at an average annual rate of 3.2 percent, outpacing world population growth at 1.6 percent. World per capita apparent fish consumption increased from an average of 9.9 kg in the 1960s to 19.2 kg in 2012. This impressive development has been driven by a combination of population growth, rising incomes and urbanization, and facilitated by the strong expansion of fish production and more efficient distribution…show more content…
Modern fisheries management is often referred to as a governmental system of appropriate management rules based on defined objectives and a mix of management means to implement the rules, which are put in place by a system of monitoring control and surveillance. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), there are "no clear and generally accepted definitions of fisheries management". However, the working definition used by the FAO and much cited elsewhere

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