Fishing Port Case Study

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The role of the fishing port may be considered as the interface between the netting of fish and its consumption. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems and redesign the program of a fishing port. This will upgrade the design The facilities like auction hall, ice storage, shades, parking, etc are also also included in the design. Tourism is also included in the design. The proposal is given by the government of India for the upliftment of the society. i. What is fishing port? A port is a location on a coast or shore containing one or more harbours where ships can dock and transfer people or cargo to or from land. Port locations are selected to optimize access to land and navigable water, for commercial demand, and for shelter…show more content…
Some part of the land is acquired by the users in term of making shades, storage, net repair area, etc. Due to fish landing on port the huge amount of waste is generated on the site which is thrown in the water or some part of the site. This affects the biodiversity of the context and gives rise to the unhygienic problems. There is no proper space allotted for the fishing activities like Auction of fish, cold storage, boat repair area, etc. There is no proper access to the port. There is no linear circulation for the user so as to guide them to their…show more content…
In many cases, the fishing harbor is also the focal point of pollution both of the surrounding environment and the fishery products it produce. Many fishing harbours are also the source of major impacts on the physical and biological coastal environment. Although the bulk of fish landed in fishing harbours in developing countries is destined for the local markets, it is every country’s wish to improve the health hazard-free quality of its landed catch in order to increase exports of seafood products to more sell over sea markets. Fisheries departments worldwide generally have to manage and maintain harbours and landing places using non-engineering civil servants. v. Objectives The key objectives are: (1) To augment marine fish production of the country up to the sustainable level in a responsible manner so as to boost export of sea food from the country and also to increase per capita fish protein intake of the masses. (2) To ensure socio-economic security of the artisanal fishermen whose livelihood solely depends on this vocation. (3) To ensure sustainable development of marine fisheries with due concern for ecological integrity and

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