Jungian 16 Type Personality

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My Jungian 16-type personally is ISTJ. According to the Prentice Hall’s self-assessment library, ISTJ people are “organized, compulsive, private, trustworthy, and practical”. (Prentice Hall Self-Assessment, what is my 16-type Personality) I do agree with all of them except “organized and compulsive "I do not think of myself as organized and compulsive. I was a little disappointed in myself to learn how terrible I handle ambiguity. I scored a 10 from a scale of 7-48. I thought about how I behave when there is a change in policies and procedures at work and realized I really need to work in this area. “In today's dynamic work environment, where changes occur at an even faster pace, the ability to tolerate ambiguity background becomes a valuable…show more content…
One of the common requirement for jobs is how well you are able to work with other workers. I scored okay in the area "how good are your listening skills" Nonetheless, this area is very crucial both at the workplace and at home. I feel I should learn more to become an effective listener. Listening is an art that can be learned. "Active listening is a state that good listeners strive to maintain throughout their workday. And becoming a more skilled and attentive listener can be learned with practice, attention, and discipline" (Soika, Better listening: It's an active process, p…show more content…
I always have the feeling that I am not a good person. Satan, the accuser of the brethren has a way of messing with my mind all the time. My life as a Christian has taught me that there is no so much I can do on my own. I have realized that all I have to do is to love Jesus and obey his commandants and the rest will be taken care of. During the last days of Jesus' ministry, He promised the Holy Spirit to his disciples and followers. John 14:16-18 states: If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it is not looking for him and does not recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you. No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you (NLT). ‬Amen, good application of your Biblical reference ‬‬‬‬ In Jesus, I have come to the conclusion that all my weaknesses will be transform to

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