Essay On Child Neglect In Ghana

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Ghana is a West African country with a population of nearly twenty six million inhabitants. Children constitute almost half of the population (MESW & UNICEF, 2010). An elected president is the head of state of the presidential governmental system. To ensure fair allocation of resources and efficient administration, the ten administrative regions are decentralised into 216 municipal, metropolitan, and district assemblies. Ghana has experienced rapid economic growth and political stability in the last two decades (Breisinger et al., 2011). Significant strides have been made in reducing poverty in recent years, with poverty halved since 1992 (52%). In spite of the political and economic successes, several child welfare problems exist in Ghana (Krueger, Thompstone, & Crispin, 2014). Owing to poverty and high number of children, child neglect is rampant in Ghana (Britwum et al., 2004). This is reflected by the high number of maintenance cases reported to child welfare agencies. In 2012, for example, 7044 child maintenance cases were recorded by the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit of the Ghana Police Service, besides those recorded by the Department of Social Development (Owusu, 2011). Countless families are unable to provide proper nourishment for their…show more content…
According to UNICEF (2013), different studies have shown that over 90% of children experience physical violence in educational settings and at home. Corporal punishment is popular since people believe it an unacceptable form of chastisement. Children are canned, slapped or whipped for minor offences. Additionally, incest, and defilement are topical issues in the media. These sexual assaults are perpetrated predominantly by teachers, relatives, and sugar daddies. The number of cases reported is lower than actual prevalence due to a high level of under-reporting of such abuses (Boakye,

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