Women's Role In Fish Industry Essay

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Women play an important role in animal husbandry activities as manager, decision makers and skilled workers. Western region states of Gujarat and Rajasthan are few key milk producer states of India. In Gujarat, 75 million women engaged in dairying as against 15 million men; 20 million women are involved in animal husbandry as compared to 1.5 million men. Livestock production in general and cattle and buffalo in particular is highly labour intensive; more than 85 percent of the work, related to livestock production including milching, feeding, maintenance of cattle, irrespective of states, are done by women. Many studies found that women, unlike crop production, do have control over the income generated from the livestock management, but have…show more content…
Nearly 20 per cent of the catch is sold after processing including traditional methods of salting and drying. This traditional processing is main livelihood activity for a significant number of women in coastal areas of India; drying of fish, selling of dry fish is majorly done by women. Women go door to door to sell dry fish in the villages and in the nearby areas. Beside traditional processing, seafood processing and export is a growing industry in the country. Indian seafood export utilises 6 per cent of catch and almost 40,000 women are employed by the organised seafood processing sector in the country. Fishery sector can be divided into four categories- fish collection, cleaning and postharvest operation, selling in the market and fish processing. The collection, known as “catching sector” is dominated by men while women contribute significantly in processing and marketing sector. In Maharashtra, women play a major role in fish marketing and control the total fisheries economy while in Gujarat women mostly do the handling and processing. Unlike agriculture, in fisheries catching sector dominated by men arrest higher policy attention than the processing and marketing sector which is dominated by women fish

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