Education: Education For All

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Education is the process of easing learning , or the procuring of knowledge , variety of skills , various values, different beliefs and habits. Education For All (EFA) is an international organisation led by UNESCO that is aiming to meet the learning requirements of all human beings. In this campaign , regimes, development firm, civil society, non-government firms and the media are some of the partners working hard towards reaching these goals. The main aim of Education for All (EFA) is sustainable development. The EFA has set quite a few goals which they need to accomplish in order to provide each and every human being with proper education. Some of them are :- Expand early childhood care and education, Provide…show more content…
I personally feel that education will benefit us in person, and education for all will benefit the nation by reducing problems such as poverty and in turn will benefit the world in many ways .Education plays a very important role for people all over the world in order to create a life that is well-balanced for everyone. Education enables us to understand and deal with any problem by critically thinking over it and makes a balance throughout everyones life, in each and every area. Education is the first and foremost right of each and every human being. Education improves our knowledge, builds confidence and enhances our personality. It also brings maturity and teaches us how to deal with everyday problems in the society with such changing…show more content…
A quote said by Barrack Obama in which he states that, “ The best anti-povery program is world-class education”. Education is one of the key factors that help in reducing as well as preventing global poverty. Education is a key tool in battling against poverty. Many countries around the world are beginning to perceive the importance of education and are trying to invest in it significantly. However, by making education available to almost 100 percent of people around the world can be one way to make sure that poverty dwindles. Therefore, education also produces a large number of people who are ready for the workforce. Undoubtedly, more workers in a country means that only a few people might be unemployed. We all know that unemployment is one of the main causes of poverty; therefore, if employing more people, a country’s poverty rate will spontaneously decrease. In spite of the great progresses in the past few years, millions and millions of children are still denied their right of education. Undoubtedly, restricted access to education is one of the assured ways of transmitting poverty from one generation to the other generation. Education is an indispensible human right, manifested in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. I believe that each and every girl and boy should have the right to get a quality education so that they
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