Importance Of Women Empowerment Through Distance Education

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Women Empowerment through distance education. Kongala.Rama.Rao. Dr.Yeluri.Ashok .Kumar Dr.Kranthi.Kumar Mandali. T.Raveendra Lotsch Kate.Kasi.Rao Dinesh.Epuri. Introduction Education in India is constrained by the socio-economic conditions of the people, their attitudes, values and culture. Earlier education was linked to the socio-religious, institutions, reinforcing the patriarchal social structure .During the British period; education became a tool of colonial power, enabling a small minority to have access to education, and all the benefits entailed. The social reformers of the nineteenth century raised the demand of women’s transformation but to make them more capable of fulfilling their traditional roles. Since Independence, the policy makers have argued for universal education and for making education as a tool for bringing…show more content…
Education is desired for itself it opens up a vast world of opportunities and an idea to the educated person’s education plays a crucial role in demographic transition; female education in particular is important in the process of lowering fertility and morality. Empowerment is an active multidimensional process which should enable men and women to realise their full identity and powers in all spheres of life. It would consist of greater access to knowledge and resources, greater autonomy in decision making, greater ability to plan their lives, have greater control over the circumstances that influence their lives and free them from shackles imposed on them by custom, belief and practice

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