Inna Petlansky's The Ode To The Bitten Breast

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The Ode to the Bitten Breast Whom can you find while searching a husband via Internet? How should a woman above 50 dress herself to make a peaceable dog bite her in breast? Author: Inna Petrova Issue: 15 Views: 2426 A funny and sad play with a good end entitled “Love.Dog.Dot.Ru”, performed in Smolensk by the actors of Israeli theatre “Matara”, was written by a practicing urologist, a famous writer-dramatist Leon Agulansky… We’ve talked to him after the performance. - Leon, you’ve mentioned lately that theatre audience is not so active in Israel as in Russia. What’s the reason of it? - The matter is that Russian-speaking spectators mainly visit private theatrical enterprises from Russia, there is a great number of them… Practically 2-3…show more content…
It was in this way… My basic profession is an urologist; I have my own clinic in Israel. It happens so that I gradually leave medicine for arts – the process is going on for several years. I try to do it smoothly, not to cause financial difficulties to my family. So one day my patient, who by the way, dressed too youthful for herself (at 55 years old – as a girl of 16), wore bright dresses and very dashing short skirts, told me a very cute story. A dog in the park attacked her and bit her breast. This dog belonged to the local municipality; everybody knew it as a very calm, peaceful animal. How did it happen, that it escaped from the crate? Why didn’t it like this woman so much? No one knows. This patient also told me that she actively tried to fix up her private life via the Internet – she acquainted herself there, met some bridegrooms, who came to her, and in reality looked quite different as they had been in skype. So this story interested me. I’ve tried to find something kind, human in it, because real human life, sometimes very serious people’s problems are hidden behind the computer’s monitor. - This online story resulted in a happy end that happens rather seldom… What about you, are you very active

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