21st Century Education

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In this 21st century, Malaysia is facing issues and challenges from the impact of globalization, liberalization and the development of ICT. One of the challenges that is facing by Malaysia is to develop a system of knowledge-based economy in order to compete with other countries. This system requires a strong support from the education sector to produce Malaysian citizen who are knowledgeable in various fields. In reality, schools in Malaysia are now facing the problem of preparing and issuing a quality workforce. Companies and government agencies are forced to accept workers who are lack of creativities and problem-solving skills, hard to work collaboratively plus problematic in their time management. This situation is a current problem that…show more content…
Toffler (1990) also states that “the illiterate of the 21st century are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn”. Therefore, the Ministry of Education has developed the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century education. One of the focus of the Blueprint is six students' aspirations, namely knowledge, thinking skills, leadership skills, bilingual proficiency, ethics and spirituality and national identity. This is in line with the National Education Philosophy which upheld the education system in our country. Hence, the Ministry of Education has launched the initiative of the 21st century education for a pilot in 2014 and expand the implementation throughout the country since…show more content…
ICT is not only considered as a tool, which can be added for existing teaching methods but also nowadays ICT is seen as an important instrument to support new ways of teaching-learning process. Information and communication technology (ICT) is being integrated into the teaching-learning process in various educational institutions in the world. Successful integration of ICT in teaching learning process is highly dependent on the preparation of teachers. The use of ICT in the classroom is very important to provide opportunities for students to learn and operate in the information

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