Four Major Philosophies Of Perennialism And The Theory Of The Curriculum

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Philosophy: philosophy provides a basis for decisions regarding curriculum. Through these philosophes aims and objectives, organization and selection of content is determined. There are four major philosophies which include perennialism, essentialism, Progressivism and reconstructivism Perennialism: Perennialism is the philosophy that is based on the belief that the focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over centuries. These ideas should be a part of curriculum so that the students learn from the work of history’s finest thinkers and writers. According to perennialism theory person learns from his experiences and the main focus of this theory is on personal development. By analyzing…show more content…
When a learner learns something new he can reconcile this information with the previous ideas and information. Through this process he can gain understanding. Constructivist curriculum is based on problem solving and inquiry based learning activities. According to the above points it is obvious that psychological foundation of education plays an important role in curriculum development. For productive learning it is necessary that the syllabus content must be in accordance with needs and demands of the learner which can only be achieved through the implication of psychological foundation in curriculum. Sociological foundation: Sociological foundation of education concerns with the relationship of schools, society and culture. Different cultural and social values and norms provides base for establishing an educational system and this system manifest the values of the society. Education plays an important role in refining the personality of a person that can assist him in knowing his weakness and enabling him to overcome that

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