Education In Education

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Education as an agent of social change: Social change refers to any significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms. By “significant” alteration, sociologists mean changes yielding profound social consequences. Examples of significant social changes having long‐term effects include the industrial revolution, the abolition of slavery, and the feminist movement ( Schools were intended to bring liberal changes in society, the system was designed to select the good and to subdue the bad behaviors as it teaches individuals how to meet changing situations. These changes may be in politics, economy or society in general. One can say that Education is like a river or a stream, it has no end. It begins…show more content…
It prepares people for change .This is made possible by what it teaches, by how it teaches and by the kinds of moral values and attitudes it develops in the learners. Schools are established to serve the interests of those who established it in the first placed. In the past, the schools served the interests of the dominant groups where the majority was given an inferior education in the hopes that it could make them an educated servants, in any scope of life may it be social, political or economic. This type of education encouraged rivalry and conformity. It was the way in which an individual avoided manual naive labor. It was seen as a passport to the cherished white collar job. Basically, it was the way by which a person rose towards more valued positions and rewarded in society. This mode of education had an important social mobility purpose which was and is still well known by parents in society. One can say that this may very well to be the major motivating force for educating…show more content…
The practice of socialization in education has a huge effect on our children, teens and young adults in the perspective of the learning process. In school, children are members of a small society that exercises an incredible influence on their moral development. Educators serve as role model to the students in school; they play a major role in instilling their ethical behavior. Though there are rules and regulations, the educational institutions pervade the value education to the children in an informal way. They play a main role in developing ethical behavior in children. The school should help children to accept and develop values that are appropriate in today’s society. This means that our children must accept pragmatic values of education. The school system must play several role to help our children to accept education as an agent of
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