Different Factors In Internet Marketing

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When an organization enters a market there are different competitors that it has to consider. There would be different approaches on to how that business would be able to succeed in the market. Supply, demand and quality of the products would be the most important things to consider for John Lewis Partnership and its subsidiary Waitrose. Below are some of the ways on how JLP responds to these market forces: Customers – They play an important role in the profit gain of an organization like JLP/Waitrose, some customers may prefer quality over quantity and some vice versa. Costs – Should be allocated by JLP/Waitrose, looking into statistics on what people purchase the most, so they can produce more of the product for people to consume. Economies…show more content…
It gives customers convenience in purchasing their products and also saves some time for them. There may be advantages and disadvantages to consider in internet marketing but in internet marketing stores are available 24/7 and some are even available all around the world. A great example for internet marketing would be E-bay. Here are some benefits of internet marketing: • Convenience o Internet marketing enables the stores to be present 24/7 without any stop, unless the site crashes, but still there are no worries about the stores being closed but the only problem would be the delivery of products. The best thing about internet marketing is that they can browse over the store whenever they want to. • Reach o Here comes in the barriers of distance. Internet marketing would put down those barriers especially if a local market in the place does not have the product. This makes the target market for internet marketing very wide. While there are rules and regulations to follow, businesses see to it that these do not compromise their way of work. People get to access E-Bay in all countries that are developed. •…show more content…
Organizations usually have twitter accounts to attend to the problems that people face with their products. JLP/Waitrose both have twitter accounts and they avail these so that they can attend to the concerns of people. With these twitter accounts they can have a vast way of promoting their products with no cost at all, all they need is a lot of followers that would retweet them to get famous. Polls on twitter can also be made to assess the customer satisfaction which would also assist the organization on how they approach their customers with their

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