Pros And Cons Of Internet Marketing

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3.1 Web marketing – Company perspectives Nowadays everyone is somehow involved with the technologies in their daily routine. This is the big opportunity for every organization to involve and to start working with the internet to make their works much easier and more effective. Internet has become so popular in this arena for promoting products and services online with the effective use of internet network facility to provide the complete development of web marketing in the whole process of purchasing through e-market from pre-sale to post-sale which develops and manage customer relationship at the most priority level. The role of web marketing is to support the multi-channel marketing which is the combination of digital and traditional channels…show more content…
By comparing between traditional and internet marketing approach one can decide which will be cost effective mode and reachable to the target audience fast. Internet can be good choice for many companies as it is cost effective when compare to traditional marketing approaches and get instant outcome through this. One can also evaluate the results of online marketing that is how many have really clicked the campaign and visited the website. Also companies can measure the sales and profit through web marketing approach whereas in traditional approach we can only spread information about the products and services and have to wait for the results of campaign on the consumers. We get feedback and reviews of the products on online marketing by which we can update information and enhance the quality of the product for future sales but in traditional approach we cannot judge the responses of viewers or listeners. Therefore, for the long lasting customer relationship and effective results of products and services campaign, companies must prefer the best marketing channel on the basis of their requirement and budget for the effective and positive…show more content…
In India, it is estimated that internet advertisement has touched the revenue of Rs 80 cr. and expected to touch six times more than this within the next five years. Many Indian Industrial segment has accepted the internet medium for connecting with consumers. The segment includes the telecom, automobiles, education, banking and insurance, FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), durables, apparel/clothing, media, business services and tourism. Banking, FMCG and Insurance sectors have together account for 45% of the total advertising spends. In comparison to this, automotive, travel and retail spend 37% of the total advertising revenue and financial service companies spend 12% only. Many top brands in India are going through internet advertisement these includes Cadbury, Pepsodent, Kellogs, HDFC (Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.) and Sunsilk. Globally, the trend is that almost 60% of the revenue goes to five firms- Goggle, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL(America Online Launchers), and Overture. Around 90% of the Google revenues come from advertising only. In India, portals like,,, etc are attracting major online

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