Reaction Paper On Depression

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As an definition, depression is a restorative sickness that adversely influences how you feel, the way you think and how you act. In my opinion depression is synonym of sadness. Every sense of yours is driven by sadness. Every action you take it will have “ a negative consequence”. A depressed person feels locked inside his bubble and thinks that will stay forever in the “ grey zone”. He feels like nobody understands him and everybody has bad intentions related to him. Depression it is called “ The Modern Society Disease” and most of people that surround us are in the early stages of depression or already depressed. I personally found this topic very interesting to write about because it is something very common in our society and I think…show more content…
Depression not only involves the mind, it also involves the body and thoughts. It causes lost of interest in everyday’s life , work ,school or family. It can lead to a assortment of enthusiastic and physical issues and can diminish a person’s capacity to operate. Depression makes a person feel hopeless, unhappy, worthless like is no solution for any problem. Depressed people feel alone and they think that nobody understands them. It is very difficult, almost impossible for a depressed person to realise his mental illness. That’s why is important that everyone of us to learn and understand more about this mental illness, to help a depressed person or even to prevent it on its early stages . It is very important to help a depressed person because depression is one of main causes of suicide…show more content…
It's a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles, or injured self-esteem. But when these feelings become overwhelming, cause physical symptoms, and last for long periods of time, they can keep you from leading a normal, active life. That’s why is important to learn and understand the main symptoms of depression. Most highlighted symptoms include trouble concentrating , fatigue ( feeling tired most of the time), feelings of guilt ( in most of the action you take), pessimism , insomnia or sleeping too much (more than ten hours per day). A depressed person feels also irritated most of the time with other people or with the environment that surrounds him. Loss of interest in things once pleasurable ( different activities , including sex). This mental illness also causes overeating or appetite loss and digestive problems that don’t get better even with treatment. Most of the depressed person have a drastic weight lost that can be easily noticed by his friends or family. This weight loss can also cause anorexia that it is very bad for the physical health and can bring other damages to the

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