Introduction To Shinto

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INTRODUCTION TO SHINTO One of the animism that still been practiced is Shintoism. Shintoism is the ancient religion for Japanese. This religion had been started at least as long as 1000 B.C.E and still be practiced today by five million people (URI, n.d). Shinto means the way of the gods and the Shintoism follower belief that the spiritual power exist in natural world (URI, n.d). They called the spirit as ‘kami’ and believe that it lived in natural places like in animals, plants, stones, mountains, rivers and people. Shintoism has no belief in heaven and supreme god. It only worshipped the places where kami live. The follower will do prayers to the kami for various reasons. HISTORY OF SHINTO Shintoism in early history approximately at the…show more content…
During the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the ritual practices of Shinto were reorganized and centralized according to hierarchy that brought even the smallest outlying Shinto shrines within the fold of state administration(). These modern transformations gave a great effect to the ceremonial practice and institutional structure but less effect on the most fundamental beliefs that are criteria of Shinto orientation to the world. It can be seen by the superiority that Japanese claimed which they were superior to other people because they believe that their descendants were from the gods and the emperor was destined to rule the world. However, this was changed after World War 2 because they had been…show more content…
Both of the gods were moving in opposite directions, but when they passed each other, Izanami was speaking first. This caused great consequence where their first child was born as an ugly and boneless. They had abandoned the child at the sea. For the next ritual, they decided to do it correctly. Based on the laws of nature, the male should spoke first, thus when circling around the pillar, Izanagi spoke first as they passed each other (). Then, the heavenly couple got 8 children which later transformed into the perfect islands and created Japanese

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