Search Engine Marketing Case Study

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1.1. BRIEF OVERVIEW Preferences and Attitudes of internet users towards Search Engine Marketing, raises several opinions. Firstly, a compassionate of what Search Engine Marketing is vital for the contextualization of the development. Carrera (2009) and Chaffey et al. (2009) define Search Engine Marketing as a commotion that comprises sponsoring companies through online connected search engines, in order to meet marketing intentions by conveying pertinent content in the users’ search results, and encouraging them to click on a particular link. As for e-Word-of-Mouth Marketing, Park and Kim (2008) define it as the most quantifiable, governable and tactical way to build active and reciprocally constructive consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-marketer…show more content…
Add to this, the fact that the Web lacks the bibliographic control standards we take for granted in the print media. Instead of a central catalogue, the Web offers the choice of dozens of different search tools, each with its own database, command language, search capabilities and methods of displaying results. This leads to the development of different search engines and subject directories. The prime approach to search the Web is the search engines. A variety of systems have been developed to provide effective access to these resources. As Internet become more commonplace, the need for implementing the ability to search for content has become more important. Additionally, Web search engines continue to attract large numbers of Web…show more content…
Therefore, the performance capabilities and limitations of Web search engines are important and significant areas of investigation. A critical research area is the need for a greater understanding of the differences in Web search engines for the same queries. A true and fair evaluation of a search engine's performance and database is very much dependent on the evaluator being familiar with the subject matter and the search facilities offered by the search engine involved. Search engines do not index all the documents on the Web, nor do they all index the same sites or in the same fashion. Currently, we know that Web search engines differ from one another in three primary ways—crawling reach, frequency of updates, and relevancy

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