Career Goals In Career In Electrical And Electronics Engineering

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I wouldn’t say that I always knew what I wanted to do in my career. My career aspirations were not childhood dreams but rather were a result of consistent absorption of knowledge and learning about the domain. Ever since my childhood, I was always interested in knowing new things, especially which are related to science and technology. This enthusiasm and a normal penchant for science and especially physics and mathematics made me opt this branch of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for my undergraduate studies. In high school, we were taught about the harmful effects of carbon emissions and our dependence on fossil fuels to run vehicles and generation of electricity. I was always keen about automobile technology and when I came to know about hybrid electric vehicles which are actually far safer and cleaner, my excitement found no bounds and that curiosity led me to take the first step towards this path. But it was only in my intermediate level when I learned about renewable energy sources and their efficacies for cleaner technologies than my curiosity for this domain grew which gradually developed into an admiration later and then into a strong passion.…show more content…
I have always been an ardent learner, ever willing to experiment new schools of thought. A natural flair for the English language coupled with encouragement of teachers in school culminated in my love for extensive reading and built a natural aptitude for logical thinking and analytical ability. This has been useful to travel further and excel in the area of my undergraduate specialisation. And for that, I have been awarded Outstanding Academic Excellence from the past two years for securing the first position in the entire

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