Personal Statement Essay: A Career In Engineering

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My dream is to grow to be a leader and strive hard to pioneer cutting edge technologies through a career in engineering. Throughout the years this ambition has never faltered; it has, if anything, become more significant and relevant to me. My father, a mechanical engineer and a first generation graduate, has ingrained in me that an individual's value depends on how one hones himself to gather knowledge and contribute positively to himself, his family, country and humanity in general. With this mindset, I have acquired interdisciplinary knowledge. But the science of flight has always inspired me and I have ‘engineered’ my career to gain relevant experience to pursue a career path in this field. My love for application oriented studies has guided…show more content…
Meeting with international students, professors and professionals have allowed my knowledge to expand to a larger extent by listening to them share their own experiences and wisdom during our academic discussions in class or workplace. Working on my first project gave me a sound technical base on networking, control systems and instrumentation concepts. After graduation, I was quickly absorbed into the company and was involved as a core team member responsible for building and integrating various control systems for a mega-project with a local Oil and Gas…show more content…
The greatest advantage accrued in this regard was the exposure to different areas of engineering with an immense rate of learning. As the systems engineer in the team, I must be in possession of a strong sense of responsibility and sound technical knowledge to interface with various disciplines. My individual responsibilities, knowledge-sharing sessions and improvement projects during my tenure inculcated in me a stronger sense of team spirit to work effectively in a group respecting the opinions and ideas of

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