Siemens Training And Development Case Study

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Siemens is a one of the largest electrical and electronics engineering companies in the world, it employs 20000 people in UK. As well, in 2006 Siemens UK invested a large amount of money (over £74 million) only on R&D, because the company competes in a rapidly changing environment, and their business focused on innovation. Therefore, to keep its world-leading position, and for growth of their business, Siemens needs people with first class level of skills, knowledge and capability in IT, business, engineering and other related fields. Siemens constantly need high skills; it is working on this need through training and development. Within Siemens, training and development works to increase performance and competency by providing new or enhanced…show more content…
Assess needs for training in Siemens occur at three level as illustrated in the previous examples, the organizational level which look at training need in light of the organization strategy, at the person level by answer these questions, who needs training? And what kind of skills do employees need? finally at the task level. This reflects the extent of Siemens commitment to training and development of staff at all levels. Now, before going to discuss the training and development activities in Siemens and the degree of their commitment to this process, it’s important to recognize that training and development it’s not the answer for every organizational problem. Training and development can solve only problems related to employee skills and knowledge, not problems caused by structural or system issues (Bogardus, 2009). This is the first challenge face Siemens in training and development process, the solution is to find what is causing the problem and then decide if the training is the appropriate way to solve…show more content…
So they can develop themselves in related field to their certificate, for example, graduate with a degree in Information Technology can take a course on design software to work in a different project in Siemens Company. Siemens is committed to support its employee to gain additional qualification, and thus get a flexible and adaptable staff can take new roles. Siemens business is focused on technology and innovation, the change in technology is occurring at an amazing speed, thus training and development in Siemens is ongoing process. Based on the discussion of the methods of training and development used by Siemens, it’s clear that the technology is the main factor that effect on T&D programs in Siemens. Due to rapid changes in technology, the building and updating of technical skills may become crucial internal training needs; this is an example on the way that Siemens decide its T&D program, whether is internal or

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