Essay On Baptism

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Baptism is a highly regarded sacrament in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. When you are baptized, you have lost Original Sin and have all your sins forgiven. At the same time, after baptism, you are initiated into the Church. Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation are the Initiation Sacraments. With each sacrament comes a social mission, where you are called to do good works by God. Immediately after the Priest says: “I baptize you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit”, the social mission of Baptism begins. The social mission of Baptism is to become a full member of the Church by receiving the Eucharist and being confirmed, and spreading the Word of God. The sacraments are celebrated by the Church in order to show Christ’s presence in the community and to spread grace. The sacrament of Baptism was instituted by Jesus and first done by John the Baptist, and its purpose is to begin the process of initiating people into the church. Baptism reveals the inner dignity in every person, which means there is no inequality between people of different races or sexes. In baptism, we also reject sin. It is required that you re-assess your life in…show more content…
The Baptized are to live as lights in the darkness, as signified by the symbol of the lit candle in Baptism. After baptism, we are called to spread Christ’s light throughout the world. Pope Benedict writes in Sacramentum Caritatis, that after baptism, you are supposed to “build up Christ’s body and for ever greater witness to the Gospel in the world”. This is because after baptism, the “world becomes the place for the lay faithful to fulfill their Christian vocation”, according to Christifidelis Laici. What this means is that the baptized are to help sanctify the world. Why we should do this is because we are called to protect the dignity of all people and like the Bible says, be the stewards for the
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