Brand Awareness In Social Media

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1.1 Introduction Social media is one of the fast growing activities in the business world and the impact of it on music and media related industries have been increasing with globalization. This is supported by Qualman (2013) who states; today social media has become a lifeline of most businesses as it touches most of the industries in today’s context. Therefore it is interesting to find out the effectiveness of social media in branding record labels since social media has referred to as “consumer-generated media” (Faulds and Mangold, 2009, p.357). Besides, there is an absence of researches on this topic recently. Currently most of music videos are shared from one end to over a thousand through famous social media websites such as You-tube,…show more content…
Opposing to this Faulds and Mangold (2009) argues, though social media is a revolutionary trend not only within young generation or high social classes, but also for every age category and companies who is operating in online space. However,, Kaplan & Haenlein (2010) social media can be defined as groups that currently incorporated under the general tenure into more specific classification by characteristics such as “collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social networking websites, virtual game worlds and social worlds” (p.59). Aditionally, Stokes (1985) defines, brand awareness as a dynamic gateway in building the “bundle of associations which are attached to the brand in memory” and argues that, brand image cannot be formed without the brand awareness (as cited in Macdonald and Sharp, 2003, p. 1). Kim, Kim, & An (2003) state that, brand image is specifically sensitive to inner environmental aspects or the familiarity of the product which detained by the potential…show more content…
As Kotler (2012) reveal the use of this tool is help finding the positions of a brand and its potential based on industry attractiveness. It has four categories called “star, cash cow, dogs and question marks” which signify the high market share and high market growth in star category while low market share and low market growth shows by the dogs (Strategic Management Insight, 2013, n.d.). However, Johnson, Whittington and Scholes (2011) state the best profits gained by the high market share and high market growth rates. Thus this will show the path as to how to improve the brand building in order to achieve that highly attractive market or the how to become a star. At the same time, Czinkota and Ursic (1991) define how to achieve the highest brand by highly attractive market or the sales. This will be described by the Growth Share Matrix besides the BCG

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