Tang And Song Dynasty Case Study

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During the Tang and Song Dynasty many political and economical changes affected China. Initially China was mostly made up small villages with a few upper classes of merchants, craftsmen and workers who were depending on the state. As life changed the villages were no longer the main centres chosen by government and their families now include vendors, craftsmen etc. Chinese cities didn’t have privileges that protected their residence against the government. China was one of the countries that have a long history. There were many eminent people who contributed to the development of the country. The Sui Dynasty The Sui dynasty was founded by Yang Jian of China in 581- 618. He was also known as Emperor Wendi; who established Chang’an as his…show more content…
By the time of his death Yang Jian was considered as a builder and a conqueror. A the Sui dynasty continued under the reign of his son; Emperor Sui Yangdi (Sui Yang Ti) a 1400 mile long Grand canal linked the two great rivers of China; the Yellow and Yangtze River was completed. The canal was used as a means of transportation for rice and other products to the Northern parts of China. It also facilitated a faster way of communication with China and troops. There were also many changes in the political life style. There were three (3) departments and six (6) ministries which were established during the Sui dynasty. The Sui dynasty was a short lived dynasty. It ended in 618 after Sui Yandi was murdered in his home. He was killed by Li Yuan; one of his generals who took advantage of the country’s instability and ensued and formed a new dynasty. The Sui dynasty lasted thirty seven (37) years. The Tang…show more content…
Zhao Kuangyin founded such dynasty. It consisted of North and South; the reconciliation of China. During the reign males were dominant and remained the superior sex while females were considered inferior, less wanted and desirable because they couldn’t do heavy work in the fields and couldn’t uphold the family traditions. Labour was more detailed. Wealthy families bought the poor families daughters and turned them into concubines. During the Song era, when there were famines, new born females were murdered to ensure that enough food was there to feed the other family

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