Disadvantages Of Social Media Marketing

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Figure 3 – Leveraging social media marketing for brand recognition and customer loyalty (Source: http://www.launchandhustle.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/social-media-marketing-image.png) The advantage of social media marketing is that it helps the company in increasing brand recognition and customer loyalty (Rust et al 2005). There are many big companies like Skittles and Dell that have used social media with a motive to improve their sales and brand recognition. Today social media have gained so much importance that every company, big or small is using social media marketing for increasing its sales in target markets. Social media marketing is also effective in increasing the visibility of the company but the company need to avoid many…show more content…
The companies through social media are able to win the trust of consumers as they are able to connect with them at a deeper level. In this context, Solis (2007) assert that social media show a shift in the way people discover, read and share news, information and content in the market. He asserted that social media denote fusion of sociology and technology that enable transformation of information flow from monologue to dialogue. Social media denotes internet-based tools for sharing and discussing information among the human beings. Any website that allows users to share content, opinions and views and it also encourages interaction and community building can be classified as a social media. Examples include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Digg, MySpace, Instagram, Scribd, Flickr etc. The main benefits of social media for businesses first of all are concerned with ensuring cost reduction through decreasing the time in targeting customers. Secondly it increases the probability of revenue generation for the companies. Besides it Bandura (2001) assert that social media enables companies to share their expertise and knowledge and tap into the wisdom of its consumers. Steuer (1992) contend that unlike watching TV or listening to the radio, the interactivity of new social media lets consumers become more than just passive recipients of…show more content…
The theory is crucial in providing an explanation for observational learning and explicit capability of human behaviors. The theory is crucial as it has given a causal model that explains human behavior under the reciprocal interactions among personal, behavioral and environmental factors. Bandura (2001) in his social cognitive theory contended that an individual who decides to model another person’s values or behavior, acquired through observational learning may be encouraged or discouraged to adapt it based on perceived consequences of reward or punishment. The theory has defined the conceptual framework of cognition of consumers through highlighting that process takes place through attention, retention, production and motivational processes. Thus social media may prove to be crucial in creation of brand awareness among consumers in the target
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