Autocratic Leadership Style Analysis

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The manager makes a decision and announces it The manager classifies the problem, considers available solutions, selects one of them and delivers the results to subordinates. He or she does not care about the opinion of others and how they may feel about this decision. Moreover, workers do not have a direct involvement with the decision processes. Therefore, this style is also known an Autocratic Management, because the person in charge controls the whole process of decision making, from assigning the work to finalization. The advantages are that the employees are provided with direct instructions on the work process; the decisions are clear and prompt, thus easily followed. The disadvantage is, they have only a little space to develop and…show more content…
Therefore, Weihrich (1979) suggested that via applying transactional analysis managers are able to better understand their behaviour as well as those of their subordinates. This analysis includes the ego state of individuals, the interactions between various beings and positions people situate themselves in and preserve others. Additionally, from his point of view the leader/manager is more like a parent, who allows certain degree of independence to their child and this child (employee) can develop into an adult or possible parent, too. This was further transformed into paternalistic leadership style, which is prevalent in Asian, Middle-Estern and Latin American countries (Aycan, 2006, Erben & Güneşer, 2008). Erben and Güneşer (2008, 955) stated that “paternalistic leadership behaviours are developed to humanize and remoralize the workplace”. It is not only a behaviour, but a cultural feature, because it is not observed across the globe and it was confirmed that it prevails in certain regions, where patriarchate was/is a predominate social trait (Aycan, 2001 cited in Erben & Güneşer, 2008). Paternalism can be benevolent, moral and authoritarian, with various combinations possible. For definition on managerial styles and the external and internal influence table by Farmer and Richman (1965) is used. One of the newest researches on this topic was concluded by Lim (2003), who implies that Korean management practices has improved and to commitment and satisfaction of workers has

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