Four Dimensions Of Management

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What is management? Management is the science of getting things done through other people generally by organizing and directing the activities on the job and to use available resources in an effective and efficient way to achieve the organization objectives. This is a general definition of management but there are different functions and levels of management, each function defined by the level of management (operational manager, tactical managers, strategic managers, etc.). For examples: Operational management refers to the administration of business practices to create the high level of efficiency in achieving the organization goals. Tactical management refers to the process of selecting the appropriate ways to achieve the strategic plan…show more content…
By creating strategies and a plan. What is leadership? Leadership is the process of influencing followers and maximizes their efforts to achieve organization goals and to accomplish leadership you must be aware of the four dimensions of leadership: 1- Leader Characteristics: It’s the minimum skills that are required to guide and influence followers. 2- Leadership Time: It’s when to use the right style of leadership. 3- Situation: From time to time leaders need to change their style depending on the situation they are facing, they need to focus on issues not on personalities. 4- Followers: When you lead that means that someone or a group follows you, it’s not necessary for followers to follow because you are the boss. There are four forms of authority among people: The authority of position: Do this because I am the boss. The authority of knowledge: Authority flows to the one who knows. The authority of personality: depending on the charisma. Moral authority: personal authority to ask others to make sacrifices. So leadership is a mix of combining different roles, the role of achieving the task, building the team and developing individuals all these roles require certain functions (see Figure…show more content…
In situational leadership theory, there are four basic leadership styles based on task behavior and relationship behavior: 1- Style 1 (Telling or Directing): Focus on high task/low relationship as leader define the role of followers and tells them what, when, where, and how to do different tasks. Also it’s a one way communication flows from the leader to the followers. (autocratic style). 2- Style 2(Selling or supporting): The leader behaviour is high task/ high relationship. As leaders provide information and direction, but there’s more communication with followers. Leaders try to sell their message to the followers to make them understand what is important for the organization. 3- Style 3: (Participating or Coaching): This style is high relationship/low task focus. As leaders focus more on the relationship and people and less on direction. The followers are empowered to make many of the decesions as they has the knowledge to do so. There is high level of trust and communication between the leader and the follower. 4- Style 4: (Delegating): it is considered as low relationship/ low task leader

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