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The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF, was created in December of 1946 by the United Nations to be able to provide necessities to children, like food clothing and health care. The UNICEF began after World War II when European children were facing famine and disease because of the occurred events (Our History, 2003). The main purpose of this organization was to assist and provide to the children who have been living and affected under the circumstances of war, and after the crisis of those events passed, the UNICEF continued being the vocal advocate and relief organization for children of troubled nations and of the children’s rights (UNICEF founded, 2018). The UNICEF has also assisted the families. It is said that…show more content…
The organization wants the children who have been affected by natural disasters or struck by the outcome of warfare and conflict to thrive in their environment and provide them with the necessities to continue with their lives. UNICEF priorities and ideas are essential for its development, they are interrelated; progress that leads to progress in the works of others (UNICEF's role, n.d.). UNICEF works with similar organizations and agencies that support children and together they work towards completing goals. UNICEF is made sure to contribute to the progress of reducing poverty, by “advocacy and partnerships that create sustained invests in children’s survival, development, and protection” (UNICEF's role,…show more content…
There are many jobs that social workers already work with children, that I believe that the UNICEF is another agency similar to the ones that are domestic, however, the idea of UNICEF is international social work and assisting a different population. Social workers in cases of international work use their practice and knowledge of human behavior, their skills of communication and organization, as well as evaluation of agencies like UNICEF. The social worker will partake in an organization that focuses on international relief and development work, and they will acquire many skills and used their knowledge of this line of work (Healy, 2008). Every single function the UNICEF strives for, are the same kind of functions a social worker will work for too. Social workers will work with children having their basic human needs met, having clean water and sanitation, and having the proper medical care they need to thrive in their environment. The human rights and development of the population they are assisting is major of the work of international social workers, it goes hand in hand with the social works mission, values, and practices (Healy,

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