Leadership Style Assessment Styles

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Leadership Style Assessment tools are valuable resources that allow leaders to learn about themselves and the organization/team they manage because there are several effective leadership styles and each has its own unique relationship to decision-making styles and the influence of emotional intelligence (EI). Understanding emotional intelligence can have a profound impact on organizational teamwork and motivation within a group. Individual assessments that gage emotional intelligence, decision-making styles, and leadership evaluations are the simplest to use while providing valuable insight to the leader/manager. Consequently, biases can also have a profound influence on effective leadership in both a negative as well as a positive way. An…show more content…
Hess, & Bacigalupo (2011) make the distinction of how emotional intelligence has a role in developing a decision-making style that can be autocratic, inclusive, or delegation as well as rational. Rashid Rehman, & Waheed (2012) conclude that emotional intelligence is the moderating role that leaders use to determine their decision-making style by using a tool called regression analysis. Neither of the authors identify one overwhelming style over another, rather they identify the need to self-reflect to identify one’s own style. Majid Baba, & Ahmad Siddiqi (2017) make a further distinction of relationships between the decision-making styles of rational, intuitive, dependent, spontaneous, and avoidant with the influence of the managers EI as it relates to each. This adds further credence to conduct self-awareness assessments to develop a credible and relevant decision-making style that is effective to oneself as well as the…show more content…
The modern leader can choose from a plethora of techniques and styles to adapt to their environment and organizational makeup. Understanding how to choose and apply these techniques and styles will help the leader to become more effective in promoting teamwork. One of the key attributes associated with the assessment process is the identification of biases and how to focus on the positive aspects of them. Decision-makers should strive to continuously assess and learn as they tap into the many resources available to the modern-day leader if they want to truly be effective within their

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