Analysis Of Hofstede Dimensions Of Culture

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Hofstede Dimensions of Culture serves as a vehicle that businesses can use to gain a competitive advantage in the global and domestic marketplace (Hur, Kang, Kim, 2015). This is of interest to this author, as one understands and utilize, the norms, nuances and differences of a given society’s culture to build loyalty from the host country’s employees, increase consumer loyalty and organizational market performance. Therefore, the contributions of Geert Hofstede model of cultural dimensions can be utilized as an essential tool by global managers as a framework to understand the cultural characteristics, mannerisms, mindset, belief and values, when creating an effective productive workplace community stemming from mutual understanding and respect…show more content…
The first of these dimensions is the power distance index, which describes the distribution of power and one’s relationship to authority. A high-power distance society depicts the power as paternal and autocratic, as oppose to a low-power distance society that shares power equally. The second dimension is individualism versus collectivism. This dimension speaks to the significance that a society places on self-interest and independence as opposed to one’s loyalty to a group. The third dimension is masculinity versus femininity. This construct describes how a society interprets the distribution of roles as a masculine being associated with power and control, and femininity is expressed as being nurturing and caring. The fourth dimension is high uncertainty avoidance, as compared to weak uncertainty avoidance. This concept explores how one deals with tolerance and ambiguity. In a high uncertainty society, leaders will install strict guideline or rules to prevent ambiguity. The fifth dimension is long-term versus short-term orientation. This dimension emphasizes how one’s approach and thinking impacts the past, present and future efforts. Lastly, the sixth dimension is the indulgence…show more content…
The analysis was based on multinational corporations conducting international business working with diverse workforces as management pursues the best leadership styles to achieve success in a multicultural environment. The authors note that organizational leaders can develop a management style that is inspired by the foreign environment’s national culture. Therefore, global managers are more effective as they apply Hofstede’s five dimensions of culture when leading the workforce and conducting business with foreign colleagues and negotiation partners. Moreover, the five dimensions of culture according to Hofstede utilizes the national culture that is inclusive of the country’s history, values, identity and regulations driven by relativism will detect the cultural dimensions of power distance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance and long-term/short-term

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