Short Essay On Virtual Reality

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Virtual reality is a type of technical terms and straight forward to describe as a 3 dimensional, computer generated environment. It can be explored and interact with by a person. A person will become part of the virtual world immersed within his own environment and maybe he or she will manipulated objects or perform a series of action in his daily life. The culture that has emerged or already emerging especially from the use of computer networks for communication, entertainment and even business.(HON,S.1998).Study various social phenomena and will associated with internet and other new forms of network communication for example like online gaming , text messaging , etc.(JONES,S(ED)1997).But in 90’s information, it make a big changes which…show more content…
It maybe conveniently classified as a libraries or archives and cyberspace defined virtual museum is a very general denominator and will normally put ‘historical’ or at least ‘cultural’ value on the general display on web.(Erkki Huhtamo,2002). Virtual Museum were first introduced at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Educational Computer Conference (NECC) in 2005. The slideshows were developed and presented by educators from Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. It is with appreciation to Valerie Fasy, Diane Heitzenrater, Stacy Rotchford, and Greg Telthorster that the virtual museum idea, samples, and instructions are available to other educators. They began using virtual museums as a replacement for the original art history report done in 6th grade Art 1 courses, and later realized the potential for the museums across the curriculum. Furthermore, students at Keith Valley Middle School are successfully developing virtual museums from scratch, and they are using these museums to further their knowledge of curricular objectives in academic subjects in addition to art and so

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