Actor Network Theory Case Study

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Network Theory In the Actor Network Theory (ANT) all the objects are considered as social network. This actor network has three main objects 1. Focal actors 2. Other actors 3. Non-human actors. ANT has some key concepts; they are Translation, Actants, Puntualization and Black Box. Translation stage is describes how the leaders (focal actors) involved their other actors to achieve the goals. Problematization, Obligatory Passage Point (OPP), Interessement, Enrollment are the three major steps in Translation stage. Problematization is focal actors define the problem that they have identified and give the ways to solve the problem. OPP can be considering as a situation where all the actors satisfied with the interests of the leader and it is…show more content…
the company wanted to implement a business intelligence system but with their earlier ERP system they could not continue it. Therefore they look for new ERP and decided to go with SAP ERP system. The implementation project was for the industry sector, service sector, consumer sector and the media sector. The company purchased Finance and Controlling, Production Planning, Customer Service, Sales and Distribution, Material Management, Plant Maintenance, Business Intelligence and Business Planning and Consolidation modules with large number of user…show more content…
In this project this enrollment done by the focal actors after the go-live of the project. That stage other actors were demotivated and the focal actors asked them (core team) to train other users and address the issues. But for them to do it was a difficult task and because of that the focal actors have to reinvest to get the support from the implementation partner. That caused to the over budget the project. Due to the less involvement of other actors they have to do add the additional features during the post implementation period also. The focal actors did not involve the other actor during the blue print and the implementation so that maintenance of the ERP system also were a difficult task for the others. Therefore they could not maintain a proper help desk team from the client

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