Conflict Conflicts In Nigeria

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The study focused on the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. The region is situated in the southern part of Nigeria and bordered to the south by the Atlantic Ocean and to the East by Cameroon. It occupies a surface area of about 112,110 square kilometres. The Niger Delta represents about 12% of Nigeria's total surface area. The Niger Delta region is made up of nine states of Nigeria, namely: Abia, Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Imo, Ondo, and Rivers. Over half of the Niger Delta region is made up of a network of creeks and small islands, making it very difficult to navigate and to establish large settlements. The rural population tends to live in small, scattered hamlets of 50 to 500 persons, some maintaining links with larger towns…show more content…
Imprisoned for political beliefs. Typology of Conflict Escalation: a. Increase in the number of violent conflicts between communities and the government. b. Increase in the number of violent conflict between groups (e.g. militant groups) and multinational oil corporations. c. Increase in the number of oil wells closed down in the Niger Delta as a result of violent conflicts. d. Increase in the number of deaths associated with violent conflicts. e. Intensification of strategies or tactics used by actors in the conflict. The study also used the conflict escalation scale developed by Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK), University of Heidelberg, Germany in the annual publication “Conflict Barometer”. This is presented in table 3.1 below: Table 3.1 Conflict intensities Level of Intensity Name of Intensity Definition Intensity Group 1 Latent conflict A positional difference over definable values of national meaning is considered to be a latent conflict if demands are articulated by one of the parties and perceived by the other as such. Low 2 Manifest Conflict A manifest conflict includes the use of measures that are located in the stage preliminary to violent force. This includes for example verbal pressure, threatening explicitly with violence, or the imposition of economic sanctions.…show more content…
Secondary Data: The sources of secondary data were: i. The Political Terror Scale (PTS) which used the annual United States Department Country Reports on human rights practices and Amnesty International Annual Reports on human rights practices of government to develop the dataset. The scores in the data set are based on the summation of the violation of physical integrity rights by states. ii. Data from Conflict Barometer. The Conflict Barometer has been published since 1992 and is an annual analysis of the global conflict events and the main publication of the Heidelberg Institute on International Conflict Research (HIIK), University of Heidelberg, Germany. iii. Another source of secondary data is documentary Evidence. This means that the researcher used accounts written contemporaneously, in the form of press releases, media reports and internet postings for the study. Documentary evidence will be used to find out episodes of violent conflicts that occurred during each regime type using the typology of conflict escalation in section 3.2 of this chapter. Data from secondary sources were checked for accuracy through triangulation. Primary Data: The following were the sources of primary

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