Literature Review On Mass Media

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CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This chapter consists of a literature review, where the seminal work done within the field of media and think tanks relations is presented, as well as the theoretical framework on which this thesis is built. The literature review introduces distinctly different theories of media power that, without being able to capture all scholarly contribution within this field (Thune,2009), do provide a useful departure for better understanding “the central theoretical positions that are currently informing the knowledge about the role played by the news media and think tanks in international politics”(Thune 2009:37). This literature review provides an opportunity to assess the academic research…show more content…
In the early years, the studies of media and foreign policy focused primarily on the effects media had on public opinion (Bennett, 1994). Already back in 1922, Walter Lippmann studied the media and its effect on public opinion. In the book ”Public Opinion” (1922), Lippmann points out that, as we human beings are never fully able to grasp and understand our environment, we depend on the mass media to provide us with knowledge of the world in which we live. Thus, the media provide us with what we take to be the truth. 10 In his book, Lippmann explains the importance of the media in shaping our perceptions, writing: “[l] looking back we can see how indirectly we know the environment in which nevertheless we live. We can see the news of it comes to us now fast, now slowly; but that whatever we believe to be a true picture, we treat as if it were the environment itself”…show more content…
We cannot reap full fruit of this game changer unless and until strategy for both opportunities and challenges, posed by this mega project, is not evolved. (S.Ahmed 2016) With the growing importance of television news in the beginning of the 1960’s, there was an increased focus on how the international flow of information could affect foreign policymaking (Nacos et al. 2000). In the 1980’s, with birth of the phenomena of global, real-time news, this became even more prevalent, as the technological revolution within television was assumed to change the role of media (Gilboa 2005). The focus on the media’s possible influence grew particularly strong after the Gulf War in 1991. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) should be beneficial for all by all means. For that purpose, pros and cons should be monitored and handled carefully. He said that some circles have reservations about this project and one of them is that Pakistan’s relations with western world be isolated. (A. Shafi

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