Concept Of Neoliberalism

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Neoliberalism conceptualized within different frameworks and different approaches because of its incomplete, uneven and contradictory presence. Some scholars studied it as a political economy process, while some see as a bunch of policies and reform programs. Some assert as a way of state formation and some insist on the governmentality aspect of the neoliberalism. Harvey’s “A brief history of neoliberalism” and Hardt and Negri’s “Empire” set the theoretical framework of the political economy, namely capitalism’s global consolidation by means of its dominant paradigm, neoliberalism. Brenner and Theodore elaborated the non-monolithic ways of neoliberalism differentiating the actually existing shapes of it. To the contrary of the ideology of…show more content…
It should be said that there is no single critical conceptualization of neoliberalism circulating in academic literature. Neoliberalism is sometimes conceptualised as a policy paradigm; sometimes more broadly as a hegemonic ideology; and sometimes as a distinctive form of governmentality. Linking these three different approaches is an overwhelming emphasis on the guiding force of explicit forms of knowledge in shaping social…show more content…
The conceptualization of neoliberalism needs to be addressed specifically to different frameworks with respect to the spatial understandings and implementations. The globalization process differs across the political spectrum of the world. In the first world, it emerges as the hegemonization of the national popular policies. In the USA, it is considered that the welfare system is backward, partial and underfunded. American empire, in post-colonial period, tries to hegemonize the world through economic relations including supranational organizations. United Kingdom, on the other hand, is the alliance of the USA on this project of “freeing world”. UK spreads the liberal powers across the European welfare system to make the globalization hegemonic in the first world. In the second world, which means the post-Soviet Union countries, it works different because there is no institutions of market economy. Therefore, the first aim is in the second world is not transition from welfare political area to the neoliberal are but the transition process to marketized area (Clarke, 2004: 94-6). In the third world, it somehow eradicates the national popular policies because of the backward institutions with respect to capitalist economic system so that these

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